
Photo Preparation

*For best results, your photo(s) SHOULD BE CROPPED WITH a 4:5 Portrait and a 5:4 Landscape Aspect RATIO and SHOULD BE IN HIGH RESOLUTION – (recommended 2400×3000 px minimum). Low-resolution pictures could results in a less detailed or even blurry design. Please use a clear image. We can not correct blurred or distorted photos. Most images created on your smartphone should produce acceptable quality photos. 

**Note: Photo size of portrait (8″ X 10″ 2400px X 3000px ) and landscape (10″ X 8″ 3000px X 2400px ) at 300dpi is our design base. Larger or smaller sizes will be scaled proportionally.

Our photo prints are exceptional. However printing on fabric can not produce the same print quality as images printed on paper. The maximum design print size 12″X16″.

We have added a background color to show the white outlines for some of the words in the design. The text white outlines in the design with will not print on white t-shirts. However you will still get the full graphic effect of the design.

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